Friday 15 October 2010

Questionnaire results

Questionnaire results
13 boys took the questionnaire
5 girls took the questionnaire
Year 7 = 3
Year 8 = 3
Year 9 = 5
Year 10 = 4
Year 11 = 1
Year 12 = 3
Year 13 = 0

Interested in school magazine = 8
Not interested = 10

Most popular colours = Blue, Red, Yellow & Black

All topics were liked.
Additional topics people want to see include = Fashion, sport, Word                                  Search/Crossword.

Yes to an Agony Aunt page = 13
No to an Agony Aunt page = 5

Yes to funny things to teachers = 17
No to funny things to teachers = 1

Additional things students want in a school magazine = jokes & freebie.

From my market research results, I can conclude the colour scheme which will be used and the types of topics that will be involved.

The colours that were most popular seem to clash against each other, but they all work well with black or white.  However, as red and black both came up in the most popular colours, I think they would be the best ones to use for my final magazine colour scheme because they are the Neale-Wade colours.

I can now get my cover lines from the boxes that were ticked, as I know this is what people will want to see. However, my results could be biased because there were a lot more boys that completed the survey than there was girls.



1. What is your gender?

Male Female

2. What year group are you?

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

Year 12 Year 13

3. Would you be interested in a school magazine?

Yes No Don’t mind

4. What sort of topics would you be most interested in? Tick however many apply to you..

School News Extra Curriculum Local Issues

Quizzes Competitions

Other _______________________

5. What colour themes would you be interested in?



6. Should there be an agony aunt page for people to discuss problems anonymously?
Yes No

7. Should there be a page which involves funny things about the teachers?
Yes No

If there is anything else that should be put in, please state below.
Thank you for your time : )
