Wednesday 15 December 2010

Draft of Text

For my text in the double page spread, i am going to do an interview with the band. I will ask questions about things such as their music, fashion, personal life, concerts, new release and gigs they have already done as this is what my audience wanted to hear about most in my results for my survey. I will ask the band between 13-15 questions so that the audience will be pleased without getting too bored.
  • Hello (Bandname), are you excited as we are for you to be here with (Magazine name) today?
    - This is so exciting for us, it's our first interview and we're honoured to be here! It doesn't feel real !
    - ..Although we have been a bit nervous!

    What do you guys have in store for us? 
    - Well, our new albums due out on the (date), which includes out brand new single (Name of single)
    - We'll also be going on tour shortly after that so watch out!
    - We're already working really hard for it.
  • We look forward to that! So what's it like becoming such huge stars?
    - It's everything we've been working for! it's definitely been worth the journey..
    - It's all happened so fast! it's amazing!
    - The other day, one of our fans sent me a handmade knitted doll of myself with a card saying how much she loves's crazy
  • (Magazine name) notice you guys have been partying a lot over the holidays..any gossip? 
    -i'm not one to kiss and tell..but i guess i can make an exception. You know Pixie Lott right?
    -(laughs) your dreams.
    -To be honest...i don't remember much, other than waking up in a lot of pain!
  •  I see.. So anybody special in your lives?
    - We're all single at the moment and just enjoying ourselves.
  • (Girls name - blue), we've heard rumours about you and MGMT's James Richardson have been getting close?
    - (laughs) i've been waiting for this to come up..he's just a very good friend.
  • Of course. So what are you guys into?
     - You can probably tell that we're all very into our fashion.
    - We go shopping most weekends for new stuff!
    - I go to the swimming pool sometimes too..
  • Brilliant, trying to keep fit then (Green name)? Where do you guys like to shop most? 
    - I'm very obsessed with making sure my weight stays exactly how it is!
    - Topman, urban outfitters..stuff like that, most highstreet shops
    - I'm always at little vintage shops, i like having one of a kind interesting things, it's less boring that way..

  • So, what kind of music do you enjoy most? And what genre do you think your music fits in?
    - I enjoy indie and alternative music, and that's exactly where we fit into.
    - Exactly what (purple name) said, but we have been doing some covers of pop and R&B songs, which have worked pretty well for us and we've enjoyed doing them. So we'll see what happens..

  • Do you think that you fit into the indie culture too? 
    - Well, as you said earlier, you've seen us partying alot..
    - Yes, we like to party..but we're not that bad. None of us have done drugs, i guess that's something (laughs)
  • Didn't (purple name) smoke?
      - yeah, i was going through a bit of a rough patch, personal stuff.. but i haven't touched a cigarette in 3 months now.
  • Which musicians have inspired you most?
    - Florence Welch is my idol! her voice is stunning!
    -The Beatles are my all time favourite band and i want us to go down in history just like them.
    -I don't really have anyone in particular, there's so many, and we're trying to recreate their styles and make them our own!
  • You guys have been great to chat to, thanks for the interview 
    -No problemo. 
    -Hopefully this won't be the last time we speak
    -Cya round.

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