Monday 10 January 2011

Level 4 (A Grade) Criteria

Level 4
To achieve a level 4, I need to -
- Take photos using appropriate and various shot types
- Use IT skills effectively to create my magazine
- Use photo manipulation software to improve my photos.
- Use approapriate language in order to relate to the audience
- Use effective pictures/fonts to appeal the correct audience
- Be able to understand the conventions of the genre of magazine I am creating and use this knowledge to improve my final product.
- Use various fonts and text sizes in order to make my magazine stand out
- Use mise en scene to create professionalism and to help appeal to the target audience

'Drowned Insound'
- They have used a variety of colours, all making the magazine stand out.
- A variety of fonts have been used, effectively making more important parts stand out which appeals to audiences. The different font styles also compliment each other well.
- Language is appropriate to the genre
- Photos are generally good, shots have been taken effectively and they relate to the magazine.
- The magazine conventions have been followed well with regards to the layout.
- Mise-en-scene was used well as the clothes and make-up used fitted well with the genre of the magazine
-They were aware of the route of the eye because it passes through important contents of the magazine which helps achieve a level 4 

'The Supremecy'
-Consistent colour scheme throughout the magazine.
-Colour scheme goes well with the pictures
-Different photos throughout the magazine, making it look much more professional, 
-Close up is used for the front cover showing their range in shots. 
-They use different types of fonts to make more important parts stand out.

What could they improve?
-Though good at standing out, the colour scheme used seemed unprofessional. We can see the contrast between the bright yellow and the bright pink and see that they clash against each other. The colours also didn't follow the conventional colours of the 'indie' genre. Using colours that compliment each other would have given the magazine a much more mature look.
-The double page spread article is in one bug chunk and hasn't been split up, this makes the article appear boring as it is just a whole page full of text.
-The front cover seems quite crowded for a magazine of that genre.
-The location of where the pictures were shot could have been improved as they are quite plain.

I think that the the magazines achieved a level 4 because, they generally produced magazines that follows the genre effectively. They used appropriate language to the genre and used different font colours, sizes and types which all helped make it stand out. They have used colour schemes to make the magazine stand out. Good shots were also taken to appeal to the audience.

I think I will be able to achieve a level 4 as I plan to use various types of shots for my photos that i think will stand out well, i will make sure the shots are different by changing the locations, shot types, distances and by using a good photo editor such as Photoshop, thus improving them further and making them look more professional. I am going to use suitable fonts for my magazine genre by following the conventions of the genre but also by adding my own twists to make sure my final product doesn't seem boring. In my interview that i will be using for the double page spread, I will be using appropriate and effective language which will appeal to my target audience, therefore this will be done in an informal way. The layout i am using also follows the conventions of indie music magazines.

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