Wednesday 17 November 2010

Summary of my findings

In my research, i found out that one of the main conventions for this genre of magazine (indie) is to have a reasonably large bold mast head so that it stands out more. I also found that a colour scheme of red, black and white is quite typical of this genre. Therefore i think that this would be a good colour scheme to use in order for me to have a successful product. 
The images used in the magazines i looked at made it clear that they were of a music genre because most of the images had instruments in them which is a good idea for grabbing my target audiences attention. The people in the images are wearing quite fashionable clothes too which is another thing that would draw their attention.  
All the magazines i looked at contained interviews for certain bands or artists that have stuff happening like concerts, new albums or if they are just a new band in general and the magazine are just trying to introduce them to the reader. Simple language was used so that the audience could understand. There were also articles that included the latest news or gossip for certain bands. 

I found that the layout of the front covers usually had either a main image over the hot spots or the main cover lines which also followed the route of the eye and in the terminal area I will have the price of the magazine and the bar code as it’s the last thing the reader will see on the cover page. I am going to put my main image on the right side of the double page spread because i decided that it looked the best out of the doubly page spreads i looked at. I will have the contents on the left hand side of my contents page. 

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