Thursday 25 November 2010

Survey results

Results of Questionnaire 

I carried out a survey on target audiences for my magazine. I asked ten questions that i thought would be most useful in order for me to know what i need to produce a successful magazine. Only ten people took the survey which was slightly disappointing as i think my results would have been more reliable if i had more people take it. However, my results are still very clear on what people want in a music magazine. 

1. What age range are you? 
0-11 > 0% 
12-15 > 0%
16-19 > 80% 
20-29 > 20%
30+ > 0%
Despite the most popular answer being an age range between 16-19 year olds, i have decided that i am going to consider 20-29 year olds in the making of my product because i would like the target age range to be much larger and of a more mature age despite it mainly being targeted towards teenagers.This will help me produce  a successful final piece because i know that the median age range of readers for NME magazine is 23 so i can relate to what they would find most appealing in a music magazine by using my research on the NME magazine.

2. What gender are you?
Male > 80%
Female > 20%
My target audience in mainly males that would read my magazine, this helps me to decide what kind of articles i would use and the style of the writing. It also helps me decide that maybe a female model would be on the front cover as this would attract male attention more. However, i would like to consider the small percentage of female audience too, so i will use images of both male and female artists on the front and use other unisex colours every now and then throughout my product such as light blues.

3. If ever, how often do you read music related magazines?
Never > 10%
Rarely > 0%
Weekly > 50%
Monthly > 40%
More than once a week > 0%
Daily > 0%
This shows that the readers mainly read music magazines on a weekly basis. However, the second most popular answer was on a monthly basis, which is the answer i am going to consider more because a monthly magazine would seem more appealing to me as it would have alot more information in and people would be less likely on missing out on an issue. Because i am going to use this option, it indicates to me that i need to put as much information and articles in my magazine as possible so that it is actually worthwhile. 

4. What are your favourite genres of music?
Hip-hop/Rap > 20%
Rock > 40%
Indie and Alternative > 60%
Dance > 20%
RnB > 40%
Other > 30%
Despite people liking all different genres of music in this question, it shows me that most people are more interested in an Indie and Alternative genre, which is helpful to me because this is the genre of music magazine that i would like to produce and it is also the type of magazine i have been researching so i know what my target audience are hoping to see in my product.

5. Do you read any of these magazines? 
Kerrang > 30%
NME > 50%
Q > 50% 
Spin > 10%
Under the Radar > 10%
None of the Above > 10%
This shows me that most people read either NME or Q magazine which are two of the magazines that i have previously researched and analysed which is helpful because i know the conventions that i will need to use in order to create a successful final piece for my target audience.

6. What kind of articles would you like to see in a music magazine?
1. Upcoming events about bands 
2. Interviews with bands
3. New and interesting bands
4. Album reviews and live reviews
5. Charts
6. Tour dates
7. Making of videos and songs
8. Indie stories and about gigs
9. Up and coming bands
10. Fashion, interviews, about band tours.
This tells me what people want to see inside a music magazine and so it gives me a good idea of the articles to put in my final piece. I can use the answers to this question as a guide to what i can put in my magazine.

7. What colours would you like to see in a music magazine?
Black > 90%
Red > 80%
Blue > 40%
Green > 30%
Yellow > 40%
White > 90%
Other > 30%
This shows me that the audience would want my music magazine to mainly stick to a black, red and white colour scheme, this was the result i was hoping to get because i can now stick with the same conventions as other magazines of the same genre which is helpful for me as people will be able to tell what kind of genre it is pretty easily.

8. Out of the following, what would you be most interested to see in a music magazine?
Interviews > 60%
Competitions > 40%
Free CDs > 50%
Special Offers > 60%
Tour Dates > 70%
This shows me that the audience would be interested in all of the listed things that could be in the music magazine, but they would be most interested in tour dates.

9. How often do you prefer magazines to be produces?
Weekly > 30%
Fortnightly > 30%
Monthly > 40%
This shows most people would prefer a music magazine to be produced monthly which indicates to me that i need to use as much information in my magazine as possible to make the audience find it more appealing and worth reading and spending their money on as if i only have a few articles per month, people will see it as a waste of money and will finish the magazine reasonably quickly which isn't what i want. 

10. Do you have any other suggestions that you would like to see in a music magazine?
1. Images of fashionable bands
2. Competitions
3. Coupons
4. latest news
5. A bold front cover to make it stand out
6. Music charts 
7. interviews
8. gossip about bands

9. gig dates
10. Discounts on itunes and CDs.
These results are useful because i know what kind of things my target audience would like to see in a music magazine, it's also helpful because of the previous question stating that people would only like to get a music magazine once a month, so these results give me lots of information as to what i can fill my product with.

To summarise my results, my target audience is going to be male teenagers between the ages of 16-19. I am going to use the conventional colour scheme of red, black and white and have a bold cover and use NME and Q as the main inspirations of my magazine. I am going to use fashionable images of bands as other things such as interviews, stories, charts, gossip and gig dates.

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